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Hydra not populating with cross compile builds is the bane of my existence.

I'm using `clang` from `pkgs.pkgsCross.musl64.llvmPackages_latest.stdenv` to cross-compile Rust binaries from ARM macos to `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl`. It _works_, but every time I update my `flake.nix` it rebuilds *the entire LLVM toolchain*. On an M2 air, that takes something like 4 hours. It's incredibly frustrating and makes me wary of updating my dependencies or my flake file.

The alternative is to switch to dockerized builds but:

1) That adds a fairly heavyweight requirement to the build process

2) All the headache of writing dockerfiles with careful cache layering

3) Most importantly, feels like admitting defeat.

Not sure if this applies to your situation, but I believe you can avoid a full rebuild by modularizing the flake.nix derivations into stages (calling a separate *.nix for each stage in my case). That is how it appears to be working for me on a project (I am building a cc toolchain without pkgscross).

I pass the output of each stage of a toolchain as a dependency to the next stage. By chaining the stages, changes made to a single stage only require a rebuild of each succeeding stage. The final stage is the default of the flake, so you can easy get the complete package.

In addition, I can debug along the toolchain by entering a single stage env with nix develop <stage>

Not sure if this is the most optimal way, but it appears to work in modularizing the rebuild.(using 23.11)

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