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That one's silly too. Unless someone is so damaged they're not capable of ever not harming others, (think psychopathic murderers) what's the point of sentences that long? Anything past 15 years or so effectively destroys their existing lives anyway. I think that crosses from punishment to unnecessary cruelty and stuffing prisons.

> what's the point of sentences that long?

Deterrence and retribution.

On incapacitation, however, can you really not see Bankman-Fried leaving prison in his forties and doing anything but running out to raise new capital? His position throughout the trial seemed to genuinely convey that he didn’t think he did wrong.

> can you really not see Bankman-Fried leaving prison in his forties and doing anything but running out to raise new capital?

Maybe. How about we try though and monitor his activity from time to time. There are other cases where person's ability to work with something is restricted for a limited time.

Otherwise, you can apply "can you not see X leaving prison and doing what they were jailed for" to everyone forever. Over a decade in jail is a long time to change your views. There's that whole thing about rehabilitation as well as punishment in the idea of prisons.

Yes prisons, notorious for being over populated with those who ruined the lives of hundreds of people through multi billion dollar financial crimes.

That's the point, uniquely unsympathetic people get sentences that are about making us feel good for handing them out.

Add in Madoff's victims being rich and connected and you get 150 years.

Most of Madoff's victims were middle-class. Very few were rich. None were connected.

He was still getting away with the scam for years after the allegations started spreading.

There are no prisons dedicated explicitly to those people, so I'm not sure what are you talking about here.

They were being sarcastic. ;)

If you destroy other people’s lives why should yours be intact?

How did you get from "15 years already destroys their current lives" to "intact"?

> what's the point of sentences that long?

Because FUCK this guy.

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