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> How far away in light years does a mirror in space need to be in order to see dinosaurs that existed say 100 million years ago?

A mirror in a vacuum 1ly away will return the photonic signal from t=0 at t=2 light years, with diffraction (due to matter in [solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and superfluid/superconductor] phases describable with superfluid quantum gravity (e.g. Fedi's with Bernoulli pressure))

  # m = meters
  # s = f(decay_rate_of_cesium_atom)
  # c = const x: meters/second
  Time = TimeInLightYears
  t_tx = t_transmitted: Time = 0
  t_rx = t_received: Time
  d = distance: Time
  # d == d_ab == d_ba
  # t_tx, d, t_rx, 
  test_data = [
    [0, 0, 0.0],
    [0, 2, 1],
    [0, 1, 0.5],
    [-1, 0, None],
    [-100e6, 0, None], # dinosaurs
  @pytest.mark.parametrized('t_tx, d, t_rx', test_data)
  def test_test_data(ttx, d, trx'):
    assert trx == ttx + (2*d)
  m = scattering_matrix: # FluidDiffractionTensorMatrix
  assert is_YangBaxterMatrix(m)
A water droplet [in space] reflects enough [photonic,] information to recover a modulated signal and also a curvilinear transformation of Escher looking into a crystal ball, with c the speed of light as a consideration only at cosmological distances.

How large of water droplet, a regular or irregular spheroid or reflective and/or lensing matter configuration is necessary to reflect a sufficient amount of photonic information to recover information from cosmological information medium, in terms of constructor theory?

Inverse scattering transform: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_scattering_transform

R-matrix > R-matrix method in quantum mechanics: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-matrix :

> [now generalized for photonic diffraction]

Quantum inverse scattering method > Procedure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_inverse_scattering_met... :

> 1. Take an R-matrix which solves the Yang–Baxter equation.

> 2. Take a representation of an algebra T_R satisfying the RTT relations. [[clarification needed]]

> 3. Find the spectrum of the generating function t(u) of the centre of T_R

> 4. Find correlators

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