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3 9s is completely fine. Internet is not subject to the 911 uptime requirements.

3 9s is essentially an outage or two from a major storm. That’s fine for residential internet.

> 3 9s is completely fine. Internet is not subject to the 911 uptime requirements.

It's all going over the same wire. Why not put in the extra fraction of effort?

> It's all going over the same wire

Yes and no. Even if it's going over the same wire, there are different data flows. Voice uses predictable amounts of bandwidth per phone number.

Minimum speed still requires almost all the equipment to be running.

Yes and no.

* Last mile has a downed line, yes that will result in a local outage

* Backhaul gets taken out. Re-route traffic. Drop/throttle non-SLA traffic

If you're able to reroute then you should almost always be able to keep Internet service running, just slower. Not many connections are so weak that they can only carry voice.

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