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I'm not a big Excel user, but I see errors that I get when I type in English function names while using a non-English version of Excel. Is it correct that functions (and thus this xlsb file) are not portable to other language versions of Excel?

It's been my experience that Excel spreadsheets are not transferable from one locale to another. Maybe there is a "culture-invariant" version of a spreadsheet but I haven't found it.

Oh man. Was not aware. That's a bummer. Have logged it as something to look into https://github.com/ianand/spreadsheets-are-all-you-need/issu...

It's another reason to potentially port this thing to the browser one day... https://github.com/ianand/spreadsheets-are-all-you-need/issu...

Even the CSV export of Excel sets the separator based on locale, rendering them hard to use in international setting. I work at a European statistics office, and although there's SDMX, it's not under Save-as in Excel.

They are portable, but the displayed function names are translated depending on the local. Same as comma vs dots.

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