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Anyone who lives in a hurricane-prone area like myself (Florida) knows that while forecasts have gotten a _lot_ better, there is still so much room for improvement.

I am not affiliated, but I recommend checking out https://www.forecastadvisor.com/ to see what forecasts are best for your city. I totally changed weather providers and it seems much better now.

'The Secret World of Weather: How to Read Signs in Every Cloud, Breeze, Hill, Street, Plant, Animal, and Dewdrop' by Gooley is a fun read for anyone interested in figuring out weather without a forecast (or to supplement).

> I am not affiliated, but I recommend checking out https://www.forecastadvisor.com/ to see what forecasts are best for your city.

What a great recommendation, it’s sadly US only. I have previously used an app called Climendo which claimed to digest over 15k forecasts and use the most accurate one in my city.

Sadly something like this doesn't exist internationally from what I can tell. I live in Japan and have no idea which sources are good and which are bad.

The local apps pull data from the Japan Meteorological Agency, so does Apple Weather, and so does Carrot Weather since a recent update (though those 2 still give me different results). Outside of Japan, when I travel, I have no idea so I just leave the Carrot Weather source on Apple Weather, because that at least pulls data from local weather services if available (https://developer.apple.com/weatherkit/data-source-attributi...)

It also keeps tigers away. I don't see any tigers around there, anyway.

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