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> I think you're talking about the trade offs between supporting features like "DOM manipulation, state management, animation, etc." and "shipping updates" out of the box, versus only storing the data as simple files and leaving everything else to the implementation.

I'm not sure I understand. Can you clarify?

> Sqlite is more performant more performant and provides lots of built-in features. However, most note taking users do not have enough notes or files to benefit from that performance.

For a graph with lots (thousands+) of nodes/edges, SQLite is probably capable of being more performant than a JSON file, depending on whatever specific kind of performance we're measuring. That said, to me, the most interesting thing that SQLite gives for applications when compared to flat files is data integrity, via transactions and schemas/constraints. Performance is nice but not even close to the most interesting thing about SQLite in most applications. Performance has never been the reason I've chosen SQLite over flat files for my applications.

> Sqlite will also lock the user into the application, whereas a "pack of files" can be used in the shell as a text editor. Using markdown files + a open json format has the benefit of being supported by multiple applications (e.g. sometimes i open my obsidian vault in vscode), while a sqlite database would need a proprietary schema coupled with a single application

In a sense you're right about this! I'll grant it's easier to open a JSON file in vscode and edit it if you already know vscode and JSON. That said, SQLite is in the public domain with a well-defined, stable format and there are countless free and open source database editors/viewers out there.

SQLite is self-describing, also. You open `sqlite3` and type `.schema` and it shows you the database schema. You enter a query and get some results. It's all right there. So, while a database might have a schema that was designed for a particular application, that doesn't mean you as the end user can't tinker with it, and the number of people who know SQL is rather large.

> SQLite is self-describing, also. You open `sqlite3` and type .schema

My feeling is that xml and json is always easier to parse than SQL. What I often see is that a large amount of application logic is hidden in how the tables are joined or selected. In SQL this is almost always the case and of course this is often the case in json as well to some extent but usually alot less.

In the end it comes down to that xml was not the end all of integration formats, neither are its replacements. Actually being able to read and understand what you parse without tooling is an immense help.

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