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Ask HN: Any recommended AI tools to analyze data and generate insights?
39 points by bobosha 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
specifically, an AI that I let loose on a large db and can offer insights out of the box "here are top <n> things you need to know" etc, and can be customized etc.

If you're looking for an open source solution you can customize, check out the ResearchLLM demo: https://phasellm.com/researchllm

Code: https://github.com/wgryc/phasellm/tree/main/demos-and-produc...

DataGems (https://datagems.ai/) could be a good fit for what you’re looking for. You can plug in your data sources without deep technical expertise. Then it has customizable templates to help analyze your large datasets and highlight the most relevant insights using AI. You can start with a simple prompt or your data, and let the AI generate insights that can inform critical decisions and enhance your data storytelling. It will also generate an output (slides, video, voice note) based on your needs.

Founder of patterns here (https://patterns.app/)

We're taking a proactive approach to our "chat with your database" product. We begin by inspecting your db, building a knowledge base, then AI will recommend relevant insights to you depending on your query history... tinder for data if you will!

To follow up just create a new request and it'll kickoff a chat

Zero info on pricing on the page is unfortunate. Looks great.

&Or make a longer demo video?


Any opinion on Fabric?




I came across your product a couple weeks ago. Looks impressive.

Yes, I've done this for my clients. Any of the leading LLMs can power the natural language part. But SQL is typically too open-ended to integrate into a product. You'll need a more constrained query interface to hit 100% accuracy and deal with access control.

Basically, instead of text-to-SQL you do text-to-function-arguments, where that function does the analysis and the LLM translates natural language to your DSL instead of SQL or raw DB queries.

Shoot me an email if you want to explore this further (website in profile).

Can check out https://signalgtm.com and https://simplyput.ai, two players in the space

elasticsearch / elasticstack

Check out this keynote from their last conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cMB7Sjzgt0

This doesn't exist. It can't read minds. How would it conceptualise your data. Does it know about if your selling coffee beans or baked beans?

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