Spreadsheet-like interface
All you want is here
• Cell Editing: Directly click and edit content within cells.
• Formula Support: Input mathematical and logical formulas to auto-calculate values.
• Data Sorting and Filtering: Sort data based on a column or multiple columns; use filters to view specific rows of data.
• Aggregation Function: Automatically summarize statistics for each column, providing instant calculations like sum, average, count, max, and min for streamlined data analysis.
• Data Formatting: formatting numbers, dates, etc.
• Grouping: Organize rows into collapsible groups based on column values for easier data analysis and navigation.
• Import/Export Capabilities: Import and export data from other formats, e.g., .csv, .xlsx.
Multiple Views
Visualize and interact with data in various ways best suited for their specific tasks.
• Grid View: The default view of the table, which displays data in a spreadsheet-like format.
• Form View: Input data in a form format, which is useful for collecting data.
• Coming soon: Kanban View, Calendar View, Gallery View, Gantt View, Timeline View.
Super Fast
Amazing response speed and data capacity
• Millions of data are easily processed, and there is no pressure to filter and sort
• Automatic database indexing for maximum speed
• Supports batch data operations at one time
Full-featured SQL Support
Seamless integration with the software you are familiar with
• BI tools like Metabase PowerBi...
• No-code tools like Appsmith...
• Direct retrieve data with native SQL
• Bring your own database (coming soon)
Real-time collaboration
• No need to refresh the page, data is updated in real-time
When non-technical/semi-technical people are exposed to the database, the biggest issues come from two areas
* their lack of grasp on data models, and modeling in general. This stumps them every time they see bridge tables, many-to-ones, and joins. Or when they need to answer a question, and the answer is not obvious from the base tables
* databases in general are very normalized, cryptically named (tables and columns) and have too much evolutionary baggage (both from a schema and data point of view) - except for in new/small systems.
These then become organizational problems rather than tooling problems.