Firstly, I wouldn't use the term "holding back", because creators aren't further up some evolutionary, or status, or whatever tree. They are just people.
But equally you misunderstand the precept. Creation is not about perfection, or skill, or success. Creation is an act.
Most kids learn to cook by following a recipie. But one kid in the class just wants to mix things together to see what happens.
Pretty much every kid draws on paper as a child. But some tiny fraction of them never stop. Yes, some of them get good at it, some lucky ones make a living at it. That's the urge.
But equally you misunderstand the precept. Creation is not about perfection, or skill, or success. Creation is an act.
Most kids learn to cook by following a recipie. But one kid in the class just wants to mix things together to see what happens.
Pretty much every kid draws on paper as a child. But some tiny fraction of them never stop. Yes, some of them get good at it, some lucky ones make a living at it. That's the urge.