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> for example, I'm not aware of many classic Toolbox applications that had bottom window status bar

I think that’s more either because they yet had to be invented or because giving up 16 or so pixels on a screen (the menu bar was 20 pixels high, IIRC) that’s only 342 pixels high wasn’t desirable.

> A few early applications just assumed 512x342 fullscreen (i.e. MacPaint.)

I think MacPaint can be forgiven for that. It was a miracle that it ran on a Mac with 128kB RAM.

An application on that machine had about 28kB free for a program. MacPaint allowed you to edit a 50kB bitmap, double-buffering the screen to avoid flicker, with full undo.

(And yes, paging to floppy disk isn’t fast. It did work, though)

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