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This seems overly cynical.

If sharks are purposefully being killed like this then thats one thing. But that’s not being alleged.

If sharks are accidentally killed then it’s good that they’re making use of them to some extent. Hopefully they can make even more use of them.

They are being killed through the use of specific fishing techniques. Anyone using those techniques KNOWS that this is going to happen.

Adding a financial incentive to continue harmful practices is NOT a good thing.

They could reduce the amount of bycatch, like they have with dolphins. They won’t if there is economic incentive not to.

But dolphins and giraffes are cute. Sharks and cattle aren’t.

Legions of toddlers demand you review the body of work from Pinkfong, and then reconsider your inclusion of sharks as "not cute".

You're essentially saying that accidental shark death is bad, so we should make it on purpose.

We should be punishing bycatch, not incentivizing it.

I'm not sure it's possible to be "too cynical" in the commercial fishing space. If there is even the remotest financial incentive to do something, we should expect people to maximize profits and do it. The concept of "intent" doesn't really need to enter the discussion, I don't think.

There's no effort being made to avoid catching sharks, just catching everything in the area, and preventing anything else from living in the area anytime soon by environmental destruction

This idea really disgusts me. If an animal is “accidentally” killed then the first action should be to punish the people who did this and then take steps to ensure it does not happen again. Just allowing capitalism to continue to wreak havoc on our planet is so obviously not moral thing to do.

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