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Thanks for this!

Also related,

Who t.f. thought that

* Ctrl-V should be "paste with format"

* Meta-Shift-Whatever-Ctrl-V should be "paste without format"

I've never EVER had the need to copy some text and paste it with a different font face, color and ffs background color ...

Who is the genius UX expert that decided on this abhorrent behavior?

I don’t think it’s as simple as this: it’s annoying in the context of text editing, but when you’re dealing with spreadsheets or file managers or copying from an spreadsheet into a document or an image into a document, the rich object behavior makes a lot of sense.

I vaguely remember that really old versions of windows had a “live paste” feature where if you copied a range from a spreadsheet and pasted into a word document, the pasted object would update when you changed the spreadsheet

I guarantee it's the guy who invented rich text fields and he just big dicked the fledgling UX team and because Big Development is incredibly paternal these crappy UX patterns never go away.

Paste with format is actually usefull sometimes. For example, you can copy from vscode and paste into Microsoft Word, then the resulting code will be property formatted and highlighted.

It’s beyond aggravating. I use a clipboard manager (PasteBot on macOS) set to paste plain text by default. I can pop open the history and do command+enter to paste the rich text version.

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