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Yep. Networking was the beginning of the end of anything comprehensible.

I still don’t know the difference between “upstream” and “downstream!”

Envoy uses the opposite definitions from what I’m used to. And has a perfectly cromulent explanation for why; I’m convinced. But now I don’t know why I started calling them the opposite.

> I still don’t know the difference between “upstream” and “downstream!”

I just envision being Darkly Noon, sitting at the river bed, watching the giant shoe floating into view from upstream, going downstream.

Anything else don't make sense.

Data goes in both directions. Is “upstream” where the requests come from, or where the responses come from?

From your example, one could envision an extended edition where, shortly after the shoe goes out of view[1] floating past him, someone shouts "anyone missing a shoe?"

That response would then come from downstream from Darkly.

My point was that it's a matter of perspective. And it requires a certain well-defined gradient (the river), I don't think "upstream" and "downstream" make much sense when all you have is a lake.

[1]: https://youtu.be/eBCDXN6HBS4?t=164

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