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Ask HN: Short shallow dives for presentation to developers?
2 points by bloopernova 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite
I'm trying to find (or write) a good set of 5 to 15 minute shallow dive introductions to various technical subjects for developers.

For example, a quick introduction to DNS, explaining what the various outputs of "dig", explaining how your home network has a DNS server and how getting on the VPN uses a different DNS server.

Other potential titles: "Regular Expressions are not that bad, honest!", "ZSH Aliases and Functions", "Useful settings for iTerm", "Docker Walkthrough", etc etc. (Our dev team are all on macOS)

Does anyone know of an existing series of short tutorials on various subjects a development team would find useful? Or if you've already held similar sessions, what pain points or other lessons did you learn?

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