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There is no such thing as "conventional" MVP, every implementation is slightly different.

It is not an official framework per se, but it is a framework nonetheless, except without comprehensive documentation and developer availability or much commercial value in investing your time to learn it.

The main point is that if you're arguing against React or any framework "because abstraction bad", you will end up with them anyways, enjoy:




Well, we will need to agree to disagree. I see some utility libraries in `base/common` for disposables management, eventing and actions that you are terming a "framework". I don't even know how I would use this as an independent framework outside vscode. Even if I could, the rendering and organization logic would be mine not delegated to fundamentally unique framework paradigms like React/Vue/Angular.

The creators of vscode also explicitly state they don't use UI frameworks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnKzJRr-rd0

Unless we are calling all libraries and packages as frameworks...

> I see some utility libraries in `base/common` for disposables management, eventing and actions that you are terming a "framework".

It is because you didn't look deep enough, VSCode for all intent and purposes has a "framework" that it is built on top of.

What is a frameworks anyways?

"Frameworks model a specific domain or an important aspect thereof. They represent the domain as an abstract design, consisting of abstract classes (or interfaces). The abstract design is more than a set of classes, because it defines how instances of the classes are allowed to collaborate with each other at runtime. Effectively, it acts as a skeleton, or a scaffolding, that determines how framework objects relate to each other."

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it probably also Reacts like a duck.

> the rendering and organization logic would be mine.

This is cute and nice for a weekend project. But if you want to build commercially viable products or even a GA open-source software, "Mine" is of no value.

Good documentation, extensive testing, developer availability, on the other hand are far more important.

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