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Im not being sarcastic. That is absolutely not true - there is no way any of the major car companies in North America had any intention of changing up their operations and product offering. They have all been dragged in unwillingly and dragging their feet to the party (except in China where they were directed to by the governing party).

You are rewriting history to make it sound like it was an inevitability which it absolutely was not and still is not an inevitability. I am not sure if you were alive and in industry at the time but it sounds like you are much younger and are relying on reading as opposed to experiencing the world.

Heavy duty municipal vehicles are a completely different market not comparable. Cities have mandates that aren't always cost such as quality of life - that and they can draw from their tax base + these vehicles always return to base. Again not comparable.

I don't know. I'm not from/in America.

I see all around me electric mobility everywhere. E-bikes, e-scooters, electric motorbikes, electric buses, electric trucks. More and more of them.

To believe that without Tesla car industry would never notice that or dared to try is a bit too much.

And to illustrate that the momentum was already there look at the growing popularity of hybrid cars (Prius) which predates Tesla.

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