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When I was interrailing I'd try and do some across Europe night trains as it meant I saved on hostel costs and I'd wake up somewhere new. The choices are somewhat limited though

We did that a lot as well. Night trains are the closest mankind has to teleportation. Hop on a train in Berlin, have a beer, sleep, wake up in the centre Paris or Rome with a coffee and a croissant.

The closest we have to teleportation is airplanes (i.e. shortest travel time). Sleeper trains are more like cryostasis ships. The journey takes forever, but you don't notice.

Getting better again slowly after a bad period.

That's what she says every month.

To what are you referring? The Interrail/Eurail scheme getting better again after a bad period?

Sleeper trains getting better, after most were discountinued. SOme more have started up recently.

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