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What kind of "bubble" are you talking about? Vast majority of servers run either Redhat derivative or Debian derivative and both boast long term support for even old systems. Ubuntu 18 afaik still receive security updates, so does Debian 10. So there is an apparent and understandable need for LTS distros.

This is how it is today. As I said, deal with it.

Debian has package freeze half a year before cutting a new stable release. A stable release is thoroughly tested and guaranteed to have no breaking issues. "The magic of patching" is there to keep this guarantee for 2 years. Often new packages can have disastrous bugs (such a recent bug in inkscape) and you do not want that on your daily driver and willing to sacrifice freshness for stability and lack of surprises, both good or bad. If you really need fresh one or two packages you can either compile it yourself, install from backports or install a flatpack.

My free course into LTS systems is complete. There will be no further replies in this thread.

I see the server expert talks about inkscape and dav1d updates ;)

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