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Borrow checking without lifetimes (smallcultfollowing.com)
115 points by todsacerdoti 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 57 comments

The push to eliminate lifetimes in favor of loans (with this or polonius) in the pursuit of allowing a larger subset of correct programs to be expressed in Rust makes sense at first blush — of course we want to be able to prove more correct programs correct! Who wants to fight the borrow checker all the time over things we know are fine! — but I'm concerned in the long run it will actually turn out to be a bad thing.

I vehemently disagree with the article that lifetimes are at all nebulous or hard to grasp, IMO they're a pretty straightforward concept, and they map really nicely onto single ownership, move, RAII based memory management, and underlying C style memory management concepts, whereas OTOH it feels like loans are perhaps less nebulous, but also map more poorly onto the best comprehensible, and specific ways to think about low level memory management (and also less well to concepts in other low level languages lile C++). Instead of seeing your program as a mostly 1D collection of mostly contiguous scopes that the program counter jumps around in, now you have to view it as a gigantic thicket of constraints.

So in essence, by making Rust's static analysis more powerful and less annoying at first, we're actually making it harder to fully grasp in the long run. It's sort of like the Haskell monad problem — the more powerful you make your compiler/language abstractions to allow proving more code, the less comprehensible everything gets. And I think in both cases, trading some power, past a certain point, for long term comprehensability with more straightforward concepts is better.

I like Rust a lot right now, but with polonius and some of the unnecessary and weird syntactic sugar that's being added, plus the fact that instead of full coroutines to encompass both async and generators (like Kotlin has) we're getting neutered coroutines to do generators and async is a separate but similar concept, I think the Rust designers are making a lot of missteps lately. I know nothing's perfect, but it kind of sucks.

> we're getting neutered coroutines to do generators and async is a separate but similar concept

I'm not sure what's neutered about Rust's current plans for generators, and they aren't separate from async, they're the foundation that async desugars to.

I'm also not sure what your objection is to Polonius, which, so far, is still just a strictly more permissive version of the borrow checker, with nothing new to learn on the user end. AFAICT the notation in this blog post is not actually proposing any new Rust syntax, and is instead proposing syntax in the formal language that is being used internally to model Rust's type system.

> I'm not sure what's neutered about Rust's current plans for generators

They're neutered because they can't suspend and transfer control to a function other than the one that called them ("Note also that "coroutines" here are really "semicoroutines" since they can only yield back to their caller." https://lang-team.rust-lang.org/design_notes/general_corouti...) and you can't pass values into resume and get them out from the yield statement in the coroutine (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/43122#issuecomment-...).

> and they aren't separate from async, they're the foundation that async desugars to.

Yeah I just looked it up again and I don't know why I had it in my head that they were separate, you're correct, they are the same thing under the hood, so honestly that eliminates my biggest problem with them.

> 'm also not sure what your objection is to Polonius, which, so far, is still just a strictly more permissive version of the borrow checker, with nothing new to learn on the user end.

The entire model is different under the hood, though, since it switches from lifetimes+borrows to loans, and so in order to fully understand its behavior the user really would have to change their mental model, and as I said above I'm a huge fan of the lifetimes model and less so of the loan model. I just feel like it's much more natural to treat the ownership of a memory object and therefore amount of time in your code that object lives as the fixed point, and borrows as wrong for outliving what they refer to, then to treat borrows as the fixed point, and objects as wrong for going out of scope and being dropped before the borrow ends, because the fundamental memory management model of Rust is single ownership of objects, moves, and scope based RAII via Drop, so the lifetime of an object kind of is the more basic building block of the memory model, with borrows sort of conceptually orbiting around that and naturally being adjusted to fit that, with the checker being a way to force you to adhere to that. The loan based way of thinking would make more sense for an ARC-based language where references actually are more basic because objects really do only live for as long as there are references to them.

> you can't pass values into resume and get them out from the yield statement in the coroutine

I think that the linked comment is out of date, and that this is supported now (hard to tell because it hasn't been close enough to stabilization to be properly documented): https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/68524

As for Polonius changing the underlying mental model, I think this is a natural progression. Rust 1.0 tried to present a simple lexical model of borrowing, and then enough people complained that it has long since replaced the simple model with non-lexical lifetimes in order to trade simplicity for "do what I mean". And since it's not allowed to break any old code, if you want to continue treating borrowing like it has the previous model then that shouldn't present any difficulties.

> They're neutered because they can't suspend and transfer control to a function other than the one that called them ("Note also that "coroutines" here are really "semicoroutines" since they can only yield back to their caller." https://lang-team.rust-lang.org/design_notes/general_corouti...)

Huh? At first glance wanting to do this sounds absolutely insane to me. As in, it sounds a lot like "imagine a function could return not just to its caller function, but to other functions as well! So if you call it, it might be that you won't even end up returning to the same function with which you started, but somewhere completely different".

What am I missing? This sounds absolutely insane at first glance, like a straight-up go-to. What's the most simple use case for these sort of weird yields to other functions?

That's the essence of co-routines vs. sub-routines. If you've ever used a Unix pipe you've used a limited form of coroutines. "ps | grep foo" tells process A, the shell, to fire up processes B (ps) and C (grep), and tells B to send results to C, not its caller A. B runs a bit and yields, returning some data via stdout. C runs a bit, reading the result via stdin, then yields to B and waits for B to return more data. Pipes are actually bidirectional, so its possible for C to send results to B when it yields, but off the top of my head I can't think of a real such example.

I suppose conceptually they're similar but you're oversimplifying how Unix pipes work to the extent that it's apples to oranges in comparison to async/coroutines.

Do you have examples for "weird syntactic sugar"? I don't agree with every syntax decision in Rust, but my grips have nothing to do with syntactic sugar, so I am curious what you mean.

“You have become the very thing you swore to destroy!”

You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain.

Counter point, my day to day programming is in GC languages. In those, how long something lives is basically anyone's guess, could be the entire length of the program, could be 2 seconds from now.

This isn't something that really causes headaches, it's desirable. So long as when you come in conflict with the borrow checker there's an ability to unwind it, I don't see the harm.

My assumption is the lifetime explanation while incorrect will also still work (I couldn't imagine it wouldn't as that'd break too much). So assuming you do run into these compiler problems, you can still revert to the old simpler mental model and move forward.

Only if we are talking about GC languages without value types support.

Examples of languages with some form of automatic memory management and RAII.

Swift, D, Nim, C#, Active Oberon, Modula-3, Delphi.

Every language I'm aware of has value types (but not user defined value types). Typically numerics or "primitives" are value types in GCed languages.

Those types don't have any sort of explicit lifetime that are different from a regular object type. If you put a `int` on a `Foo` object that `int` lives as long as the `Foo` object does, for example.

Being a value type simply means that the memory representation of the value is used instead of a pointer/object reference.

That means that even when you do have user defined value types the same rules apply. How long these things "live" depends entirely on the context of what they are associated with. If you have a `Bar` value type on a `Foo` object then `Bar` will live as long as `Foo` does, which means till the next garbage collection.

The ones I listed have classical C and C++ like value types available to them, with stack allocation or global memory segments, and mechanisms to do deterministic resource management.

Instead you decided to point out the philosophical meaning of value types.

I think he's pointing out that value types and "does this language require/support explicit lifetime management" are actually unrelated. Fortran has value types but it doesn't have built-in memory management features. Perhaps you could substitute "has heap allocation" for "has value type"?

Fortran has had allocatables for 34 years.

What do you mean by

> The ones I listed have classical C and C++ like value types available to them

I don't really know what that means or how it's related to the discussion of lifetimes.

Deterministic resource management.

As I said and covered, value types are not deterministic resource management. Those are orthogonal concepts.

And in fact, confusing the two can lead to problems. C#, for example, does not necessarily store value types on the stack. [1] Those can be allocated on the heap. C# doesn't even give a guarantee of how long a value type will live. It's only guarantee is the one I outlined earlier, that this thing is represented as a block of memory rather than a pointer and that when you pass this around it's done as a copy.

If your assumption is that "this thing is freed up immediately when it's unused" that's a faulty assumption. Being a value type imparts no guarantee on how long something will live.

This is more than just a philosophical definition.

If you want deterministic resource management in C#, you use the `using` statement. If you are in java, it's `try-with-resources`. If you are in C++, you rely on RAII. If you are in C... good luck. None of those things have anything to do with value types. Because lifetime and type aren't related in those languages

> Once you abandon entirely the crazy idea that the type of a value has anything whatsoever to do with the storage, it becomes much easier to reason about it.

[1] https://ericlippert.com/2010/09/30/the-truth-about-value-typ...

This is an ancient article. Pretty much only Rust has .drop() with such strong steroids. Either way struct in C# means something very specific and it is the same as struct in C. You can cast a malloced pointer in C to a struct and use it as such, you can do the same in C# (not that you should, but you can).

In terms for article contents - structs absolutely do go on the stack when you declare them as locals except select scenarios: async and iterator methods, both of which can capture variables that live across yields or awaits into a state machine struct or class (debug/release difference, and also ValueTask which does not alloc when it completes synchronously).

If you care about memory lifetimes, the compiler will helpfully error out when you are returning a 'ref' to a local scope, violating the lifetime (because it has rudimentary lifetime analysis underneath hence scoped and unscoped semantics).

> This is an ancient article.

It was posted yesterday, 4 March 2024.

I meant the Eric Lippert one :)

It talks about that spec does not say where structs go. And yet, all existing implementations today have more or less identical behavior (and by all I mean .NET (CoreCLR), Mono (the dotnet/runtime flavour), Mono (the Unity flavour) and .NET Framework.

With that said, only respect to the article's content and, of course, Eric Lippert. For the context of the discussion, however, it may be misleading. C# has gained quite a few low level primitives since it has been written too.

Ah! My bad for misunderstanding.

> C#, for example, does not necessarily store value types on the stack

It does if you use the right set of keywords, learn them.

... And memory/resource leakage is not an uncommon problem in those languages

It is no accident that the language designers of D, Chapel, Swift, Haskell, OCaml, Ada, looked at Rust lifetimes and current state of borrow checker and decided, while a good idea, they would rather keep automatic memory management productivity with just enough lifetimes, than the Rust approach.

Also we should take into consideration that while these concepts are somehow hard to use in Rust versus other languages, in Cyclone they are even more complex, and Rust is actually a more ergonomic version already, despite its complexity.

I dream of the day someone takes up the effort and develops a garbage collecting front-end for Rust. The language in itself is really nice, it's functional and has nice algebraic sum types. I also like the syntax a lot. One could perhaps even re-use crates, since they've been proven correct by the rust compiler already.

But then why not use Scala, OCaml, Haskell, etc? Rust is only interesting and novel that it can target the very niche area where GCs are not generally allowed.

Indeed, I never get the point of wishing for something that already exists.

Usually feels like many Rust users never seen other ML linage languages.

Try out Kotlin, or just spend more time with rust to get comfortable with memory management. Once you get used to it, for so many cases, the difference kinda boils down to wrapping certain code in a pair of curly braces to ensure things get dropped.

I use manual lifetimes very infrequently. I honestly used to use them more when trying to represent referenced types in structs, but usually find myself reaching for Arc<Mutex> now.

I agree.

The classic "they were so interested in whether they could, they never considered whether they should"

This is about moving rust's borrow checker into the type system. I don't follow the details (not a rust dev) but the top level plan of doing static checks in the static type system sounds right. Has interesting links to related projects.

There's more going on here. They are adding a notion of "places" (what I would call "field paths") and an explicit syntax for "modes" (what I would call "privileges"). So you can now say:


That makes it possible to pass around a reference with the promise that the callee will only access a subset of the fields of whatever referenced type you're talking about, as well as other things.

Superficially it looks very much like what I did in Regent [1] though I am sure the details differ widely.

[1]: https://regent-lang.org/tutorial/06_privileges/

The Rust borrow checker has had this model for over a decade at this point; it's just not exposed as part of the language. One strong principle in Rust language design is to avoid proliferation of too many distinct reference types. In this case, I personally wish the language had support for it, since it would allow you to seamlessly refactor a piece of code into its own function.

The article mentions expanding capabilities to support self-referential structs.

Currently structs are allowed to borrow from any data outside of them, but not from any of their own fields. Rust doesn't want to have move constructors, and borrowing from inline fields can't be safe, but borrowing from heap-allocated data owned by the same struct should be possible, and currently there's no non-hacky way to express that.

I was specifically referring to the ability to borrow a set of fields/paths. Enabling more useful self-referential structs would be something more novel.

“Place” has long been Rust’s term for lvalue https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/reference/expressions.html#...

I only skimmed this article, but is it fair to say if this makes it into Rust proper that we would gain self referential structs?

No, self-referential structs are disallowed by the nature of Rust having move semantics by default, without a concept of a 'move constructor'.

It’s not clear to me that the compiler couldn’t detect when you try to move a self referential string and prevent it. It basically does if you use pin.

Right. Pin is the canonical way to have objects that can't be moved, and it was invented in order to support objects with self-references (namely, futures). However, Pin's design is pretty hacky, being implemented purely 'in userspace' without any language support.

There's widespread desire to add some form of language support for pinning someday, if only to make the ergonomics a bit nicer (e.g. not needing a method call to reborrow mutable pinned references). This would probably also be needed in order for the compiler to support self-referential structs. From I've seen there are two quite different proposals for how to add language support for pinning. One is to add sugar to `Pin` while keeping the design mostly the same. For example, `Pin<&mut T>` could turn into `&pin mut T` or something. The other is to essentially throw away `Pin` and replace it with a `Move` auto trait: instead of `Pin<&mut T>` you would just have `&mut T` where `T: !Move`.

A `Move` trait would be quite disruptive, but would also have many benefits and ultimately simplify the language. For example, with `Pin`, every type has two possible kinds of mutable references to it: `Pin<&mut T>` and `&mut T`. In the case of self-referential structs, how would a non-pinned reference to one work? And how would that interact with `Drop`, which always takes `&mut self`? You could answer these questions one way or another, just like they're answered for futures (although futures have it easier because they always start in a non-self-referential state). But it all becomes simpler if you take the `Move` approach, where `&mut T` is pinned if `T` is `!Move`, and there is no second reference type to worry about.

Rust already has the `Unpin` trait, which is identical to `Move` except that it doesn’t pin `&mut T`. I’ve never understood why Rust doesn’t require the `Unpin` trait in `mem::swap` and derivatives instead of having `Pin`.

I also don’t really know of any other methods / cases besides those using `mem::swap` where `Pin` and `Unpin` are relevant. It works for `swap` because if you have a self-referential data structure, there’s never a good reason you want to tangle the references.

Lastly, normally a mutable reference guarantees there aren’t other references, but a mutable reference to a self-referential data-structure doesn’t have this guarantee because it references itself. Is this why `Pin<&mut T>` is necessary, because a real mutable reference to a set-referential data-structure violates Rust’s not-fully-defined “borrowing rules”? And do we want to keep that specific rule (since we’re mutable borrowing the entire region including the self-referential borrow, and self-referential structures are already unsafe, I doubt it would cause any issues)? Maybe `&pin mut T` should be added, but as its own kind of reference instead of syntax sugar…

> I’ve never understood why Rust doesn’t require the `Unpin` trait in `mem::swap` and derivatives instead of having `Pin`

Pin and Unpin came years after Rust had reached 1.0; wouldn't adding a new bound to an existing function be a breaking change?

I'm not saying a theoretical language couldn't be made that allows this, but in Rust it would be breaking backwards compatibility.

For example [T]::sort (obviously) needs to be able to move the elements in the passed array, but there is no Move bound on T or something similar.

> It basically does if you use pin.

And we have Pin today, but I assumed the OP meant 'self-referential struct' as in, without using Pin.

It would have to be introduced by making it default, so all existing generic items would have Move bound on all generic parameters.

Only in a new edition the default can then be swapped.

> And we have Pin today, but I assumed the OP meant 'self-referential struct' as in, without using Pin.

I did, but with Pin would be fine as well

Self-referential structs work fine in Rust and always have.


The compiler will correctly prevent you from moving the value. (Try adding `drop(foo);` at the end.)

The other way to have a struct that requires mutation to move in and out of self-referential-ness (as `async {}` needs, for example) can be achieved with `unsafe` and `Pin::new_unchecked`.

> Self-referential structs work fine in Rust and always have.

They 'work fine' in that the Rust compiler will let you create one and then never let you move it or access the whole object mutably again while it is self-referential. They don't 'work fine' as in being first-class objects in the language that work as any other object.

For what it's worth, I think Rust made the right choice in not allowing custom move constructors that would enable first-class self-referential types.

I agree they made the right decision not to add custom move constructors, potentially throwing move constructors and unmovable types make life very, very difficult for certain things in c++. That said, an annotation on a field that it either always references part of the parent or may reference part of the parent (or better a defined range or expression from the parent) could provide enough information for an automatically generated move constructor to correctly update the parent referencing pointer or reference. It’s entirely machinable, we had to do a version of this for the OpenMP offload memory model. It’s not the simplest thing, but updating references based on known offsets from known bases isn’t itself all that hard. Getting the syntax for the user to provide enough information to do it to be ergonomic however, that’s hard.

Yes. From the post:

> In follow-up posts I’ll dig into how we can use this to support interior references and other advanced borrowing patterns.


> But also [current] Rust is not able to express some important patterns, most notably interior references, where one field of a struct refers to data owned by another field.

I'm curious to see how this turns out, but one thing I'm not sure I agree with is that lifetimes are confusing?

I want to be clear here, it's been a few years since my job was coding in rust, but I found lifetimes to probably be among the easiest parts of rust to understand. Is the issue actually not understanding what lifetimes are, or just that people need to annotate them explicitly (which obviously other languages don't do[1])? The former seems surprising to me, the latter I could understand more readily due to the combination of the newness/novelty of explicitly annotating the lifetime, and also the ' prefix to lifetime names which I can imagine triggering a "that's weird looking" response when people first need them - I think I may have had that response at first, but it was fairly brief as it's just an initially new/novel syntax, and even now having the sigil prefix seems like a reasonable way to distinguish lifetimes from anything else, it's similar to why there's a * in generators in JS despite it not being strictly necessary for parsing or type checking.

One thing that did just occur to me though is how many adopters of rust were coming from languages with entirely automatic lifetime management (GCs, etc) so having to think about object lifetimes at all is new? I realize I've mostly assumed people adopting rust have been C, C++, etc devs where thinking about such things is mandatory and continuous, but if there are lots of adopters from managed languages then maybe that's new. In that case though I don't think the issue is rust's lifetimes specifically in as much as it's just object lifetimes at all?[3]

[1] Because they don't need to because of implicit lifetime management (GC, automatic refcounting[2], etc) or because their programming model is "what memory safety?"

[2] Yes I know refcounting is technically GC, but this is comparison to scanning GCs

[3] [this is an addition] I want to be clear, I am not critiquing devs who have come from managed languages for not being aware of lifetimes, this is literally just saying "if you're from a language where it's not a thing you have to think about, the entire concept may be new"

> One thing that did just occur to me though is how many adopters of rust were coming from languages with entirely automatic lifetime management (GCs, etc) so having to think about object lifetimes at all is new?

Maybe not "new" but something that's tedious once you've drank the GC koolaid.

With C++ explicit lifetime annotation is never required. You are expected to just do it right and know how long something will live (RAII helps a lot here).

With Rust, when you get into a situation where lifetimes are required, it can often feel really tedious to have to insert them everywhere. Especially when dealing with structs and fields on structs.

Heck, some things in rust simply aren't possible (in safe rust) that are possible with C++. For example, a class with a pointer to itself. In C++'s case you'd say "Well of course this lives as long as itself does so we don't need to free it" In rust, you literally have to use an `unsafe` block to make such a construct.

And, of course, in managed languages you wouldn't take a second thought to why something like this.

This particularly rears it's ugly head when you come from a managed language and you want to do multithreading in rust. Rust's promise of "We can do safe multithreading" sounds REALLY nice, until you learn exactly what that entails. It may be safer, but it's not easier. C++ is easier to multithread than rust (perhaps not correctly) and it's a LOT easier to do correctly in managed languages.

> In that case though I don't think the issue is rust's lifetimes specifically in as much as it's just object lifetimes at all?

A comment [0] in this very thread lends credence to this.

[0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39597296

I may be out of my depth here as I've only casually used Rust, but this seems similar to Swift's proposed lifetime dependencies[1]. They're not in the type system formally so maybe they're closer to poloneius work

[1]: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/3055becc53a3c3...

For someone unfamiliar with rust, the title is a real crash blossom.

Thank you for teaching me a new phrase :)

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