"Commercial trucking is a dying profession." -some guy from 10 years ago
Of course today there are more commercial truckers than ever. So many people seem to forget that not only are sigmoid curves [1] a thing, but literally every single neural network advance to date has ended up being on one. That said, I imagine his comment is more about trying to add fuel to the LLM frenzy than a necessarily sincerely held belief - more hype is probably just an effort to try to make NVID go up.
Of course today there are more commercial truckers than ever. So many people seem to forget that not only are sigmoid curves [1] a thing, but literally every single neural network advance to date has ended up being on one. That said, I imagine his comment is more about trying to add fuel to the LLM frenzy than a necessarily sincerely held belief - more hype is probably just an effort to try to make NVID go up.
[1] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmoid_function