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Very nice article! I recently had a long chat with chatgpt on this topic, although from a slightly different perspective.

A neural network is a type of machine that solves non linear optimization problems, and the principle of least action is also a non linear optimization problem that nature solves by some kind of natural law.

This is the one thing that chatgpt mentioned which surpised me the most and which I had not previously considered.

> Eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian in quantum mechanics correspond to energy states. In neural networks, the eigenvalues (principal components) of certain matrices, like the weight matrices in certain layers, can provide information about the dominant features or patterns. The notion of states or dominant features might be loosely analogous between the two domains.

I am skeptical that any conserved quantity besides energy would have a corresponding conserved quantity in ML, and the Reynolds operator will likely be relevant for understanding any correspondence like this.

iirc the Reynolds operator plays an important role in Noethers theorem, and it involves an averaging operation similar to what is described in the linked article.

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