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Ask HN: How to submit cover letter on recruiting sites
3 points by pixelesque 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite
This question is triggered by looking at some of the jobs listed in the "Who's Hiring" post, and seeing that many which use sites like:


to do the actual submittion only seem to allow one attachment for a CV/Resume, with no ability to write anything or attach anything else for a cover letter.

In the past (last time I looked for jobs was 3 years ago), many of the job boards allowed you to submit additional cover letter attachments (or at least had a large textbox for a general description), so what would the recommendation be for sites like: https://boards.greenhouse.io ?

Modify the CV .pdf to customise it / include the cover letter pre-amble, and submit that? Or do nothing and just submit the CV (that seems less than ideal, but maybe it gets ingested and stripped away anyway)?

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