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Whenever I hear people complain about rent or groceries I always politely inform them that the Δ Δ of their rent is quite low this month and that means the economy is in fact good

I'm sure that helps them pay their rent and put food on the table.

Some people believe a bad economy spurs skills development as people look to develop higher paying skills.

They go back to college, they develop new skills, they do some training, etc, etc.

That's what makes economics hard is that we're dealing with 400M walking talking humans in the US.

I wouldn’t go so far to call myself a hero for the wisdom I post but

You're in good company. When President Nixon was campaigning for reelection in 1972 he told voters that the third derivative of inflation was decreasing.


Aren't most rent contracts yearly? So that measure would be 0 most of the time, even when it's bad?

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