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Maybe less fun than others, but actually not so bad: leetcode [0]

Otherwise, in the same vein as the SQL murder mystery, you can try the Hanukkah of Data [1].

[0]: https://leetcode.com/problem-list/leetcode-curated-sql-70/

[1]: https://hanukkah.bluebird.sh

Creator of Hanukkah of Data here! We're working on another data puzzle game that we'll be announcing shortly, to be released in a couple of months. I think games like this are a great way to exercise SQL and other data skills.

Going through Hannukah of Data was so fun! Thanks!

Thanks for that!

I really enjoyed doing it when it was released!

Looking forward to the next one

If you subscribe to the newletter here: https://hanukkah.bluebird.sh/about/ =) You'll here about our next datagame.

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