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Coal is not really very suitable for replacing renewables, natgas is much better suited.

The UK is building/planning a lot of natgas peaker plants at the moment, seemingly without anyone realising. One I read about is limited (for emissions reasons) to 240hours/10 days operation per year, which suggests that the price of power when renewables aren't going is going to be extremely high to make it profitable to build a plant that only runs 3% of the time.

> is going to be extremely high to make it profitable to build a plant that only runs 3% of the time.

It's probably fine, as the cost of renewable electricity is now lower than the fuel cost (aka the variable cost) of these plants.

In a lot of places, it's now cheaper to run a gas plant with renewables than without, as the build costs of the renewables is lower than the cost of the fuel they prevent to get burned.

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