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>HD 110067 (TIC 347332255) is a bright K0-type star with a mass about 80% that of the Sun, located at 12h39m21fs50, 20°01'40farcs0 (J2000). Breakthrough Listen (BL) is observing additional targets selected from the Exoplanet Follow-up Observing Program for TESS (ExoFOP-TESS) in addition to the nearby star sample described by Isaacson et al. (2017). HD 110067 is valuable as a technosignature target not only because of its interest for biosignature searches. First, Earth views the system edge-on, which increases the likelihood of detecting radiation from any transmitters present whether intentional (Traas et al. 2021) or resulting from planet-to-planet transmissions which could be observed by their "spillover" during planet–planet occultations (Ashtari 2023); second, the large number of planets regardless of their position in the star's habitable zone increases the likelihood that an advanced civilization could have spread technology to neighboring planets, as has happened in our own solar system (Wright et al. 2022).


Nobody is suggesting the resonances are unnatural. The edge on aspect helps the search in other ways.

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