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> * The main thing that makes ChatGPTs ui useful to me is the ability to change any of my prompts in the conversation & it will then go back to that part of the converation and regenerate, while removing the rest of the conversation after that point.

Agreed, but what I would also really like (from this and ChatGPT) would be branching: take a conversation in two different ways from some point and retain the seperate and shared history.

I'm not sure what the UI should be. Threads? (like mail or Usenet)

ChatGPT does this. You just click an arrow and it will show you other branches.

I have ChatGPT4, I have no idea what arrow you are talking about. Could you be more specific? I see now arrow on any of my previous messages or current ones.

By George, ItsMattyG is right! After editing a question (with the "stylus"/pen icon), the revision number counter that appears (e.g. "1 / 2") has arrows next to it that allow forward and backward navigation through the new branches.

This was surprisingly undiscoverable. I wonder if it's documented. I couldn't find anything from a quick look at help.openai.com .

Careful what you trust with help.openai.com. You used to be able to share conversations, now it's login walled when you share, and the docs don't reflect this (if someone can recommend a frontend that has this functionality, for quick sharing of conversations with others via a link, taking recommendations, thank you in advance).

I have a very simple UI with threading. It's really unpolished though.



Nice suggestion! Threading / branching won't be too crazy to support. I'll explore ChatGPT style branch or threads and see what'll work better.

1000 upvotes for you. My brain can't compute why someone hasn't made this, along with embeddings-based search that doesn't suck.

They did make it, in 2021. https://generative.ink/posts/loom-interface-to-the-multivers... (click through to the GitHub repo and check the commit history, the bulk of commits is at least 3 years old)

I bet UI and UX innovation will follow, but model quality is the most important thing.

If I were OpenAI, I would 95% of resources on ChatGPT5, and 5% into UX.

Once the dust settles, if humanity still exists, and human customers are still economically relevant, AI companies will shift more resources to UX.

I understand your point, but my take is that when we talk about AI and its impact, we're talking about the entire system: the model, and what is buildable with the model. To me, the gains available from doing innovative stuff w/ what we're colloquially calling "UI" exceeds, by a bunch, what the next model will unlock. But perhaps the main issue is that whatever this amazing UI might provide, it's not protectable in the way the model is. So maybe that's the answer.

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