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Haskell's FFI has `withForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b` [1].

A ForeignPtr is a GC-managed pointer with an associated finalizer. The finalizer runs when the ForeignPtr gets GC'd.

`withForeignPtr` creates a scope (accepting a lambda) in which you can inspect the pointer `(Ptr a -> IO b)`.

This works well in practice, so I do not really understand why "among GC implementors, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a program containing finalizers must be in want of a segfault".

[1]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-

I’m deeply familiar with this technique, have used it plenty, have encountered the perils, and so I do not really understand why you think it works well on practice.

It works well in only the case where you have perfectly well scoped small regions that you can model as your lambda. When you need to actually do anything intricate with the lifetime where you want it to escape (probably into a datastructure), the callback won’t cut it and it’s on you to ensure the foreignptr’s lifetime becomes interlinked with the returned b

I don't quite follow the argument:

> it’s on you to ensure the foreignptr’s lifetime becomes interlinked with the returned b

Yes; the simplest way to do that is to make sure that your data types never contain raw `Ptr`, only `ForeignPtr` -- same as in C++, where seeing `mytype * x` should ring the alarm bells.

You could say "but what if I call another FFI function that needs the Ptr as an argument"? In that case, surely the function needs to document if it takes ownership of the pointer. If it doesn't document that, yes, it'll crash; but that's unrelated to finalizers (the "impossibility of composing" of which which is what the post claimed); it would also crash if no finalizers were involved.

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