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Elon Musk to Take on Gmail with New Xmail Service (forbes.com/sites/daveywinder)
10 points by frans 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

This is related to the message [1] going viral claiming that Google is to shut down the Gmail email service on August 1 — part of the setup of course.

[1] https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2024/02/25/is-googl...

> the message was a reply to a question tweeted by X security engineer Nate McGrady that asked when the company would be developing Xmail. Musk was quick to respond with two words: It’s coming.

Any day now.

Need to know exactly which of the two time frames this is, in two weeks or by the end of the year?

I'm sorry, you cannot convince me that 'xmail' is not some sort of 90s porn site. Particularly if you say it out loud.

Just _awful_ branding.

No thanks

ipv6? no auto-spam for active and sane domestic smtp servers (pure IP|SPF)?

noscript/basic (x)html web interface (in order to give the finger to google)?

vaporware; Space Karen just wants to stir the pot.

Is this exciting for people? I'm legitimately curious.

I mean more competition is generally always good outside of maybe natural monopolies, but I'm not really interested in having a Twitter email after the whole debacle.

I wouldn't even be excited about google email at this point, and there's no way I'm getting mail from an unreliable source


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