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Founder Arrogance (ezliu.com)
4 points by ezl on May 9, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This kind of made me laugh. I've used RentShare before - and I'm pretty sure Chris Toppino isn't a made up name. Nicely done.

It's a waste of emotion to get angry over misplaced advice. I would say advice is a waste more often than not. Yet, people are compelled to hand it out. The advice that you're talking about is a selfish act. "I haven't spent any time thinking about this...and I probably won't think about it much again...but I really want to help in this moment, and I want you to appreciate me." The advice is not based on "arrogance and presumption of idiocy". They haven't thought about your perspective on the matter at all. It's too big of a problem, and would take too much time to give it that much thought.

They don't give a shit if you follow the advice - rather, they prefer you thank them for their "interesting" perspective and say you'll give it some more thought. Why not allow that to be your reaction, rather than fury???

In some ways arrogance in a founder is necessary though. While confidence and arrogance are different - if you really think that you are going to be the one that gets it right and creates a successful high growth tech company... that is a little arrogant in and of it's self... or insane. Either way - it's necessary.

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