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Just try to avoid kissing your same sex partner in public.

> Just try to avoid kissing your same sex partner in public.

Well, I don't do that with my opposite-sex partner in public in the US either, so I don't think it would be that difficult regardless of my partner's sex or the country I am in.

Just to be clear, I am not a prude or a conservative/religious person, and I don't have an issue with others doing that. And neither am I afraid of something bad happening if I did that. I just tend to reserve activities that involve any amount of bodily fluids to non-public places.

On a more relevant note, I don't see how your reply negates what the grandparent comment said. There is more to diversity than just sexual orientation. It is a component of it, of course. But you would be crazy to deny that it is still possible to have a room full of people with extremely diverse backgrounds and ways of life, despite none of them being into same-sex relationships.

The parent comment refers to same-sex partners because gay foreigners have actually been arrested in the UAE for incredibly small offenses, like brushing against someone's hip at a bar [1]. And in Egypt for such crimes as waving a pride flag at a Mashrou' Leila concert [2]. It wasn't an attack against your heterosexuality - it's just a fact that gay people are especially persecuted in most of the Middle East.

[1] https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/jamie-harron-dubai-arre...

[2] https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/26/world/middleeast/egypt-ma...

And it’s not just gay people. It’s illegal for a woman to be raped for example


And of course somewhat extreme responses to altercations


And don’t take any selfies


Don’t drink wine on the flight there


Maybe if you are a straight white rich man Dubai is great, other wise the entire Middle East is a risky place to travel through


The Middle East is not "a risky place to travel" - look at Israel. Plenty of gays, very little rape and when it does happen the rapist is charged, you can take selfies, you can drink wine.

If you want to say something about some culture then say it. But don't generalise to the point of slandering countries that don't have those issues.

Joke's on them, I don't have a sex partner

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