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Patterns of Software (1996) [pdf] (dreamsongs.com)
67 points by tosh 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I love this paper by Richard Gabriel, both for its message and for its style of writing: https://dreamsongs.com/Files/Incommensurability.pdf

Will be giving this book a read as I have time.

Another good one is the Cadillac system for Energize C++, basically a percursor from todays LSP with hot reloading and incremental compilation for C++.


"Lucid Energize Demo VHS 1993"


Probably my favourite book on programming. Thanks for posting it here - I'll have to make time for a re-read of it.

Funny thing here is that C++ is lumped with C as a small language. This didn't age well.

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