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The Chill Work Manifesto (sparktoro.com)
17 points by unstyledcontent 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

> [W]hile I’d like to recommend SparkToro-style fundraising to anyone who wants to build a profitable, long-lasting business > a grow-fast-or-die-trying one, that option is only on the table if you’ve got a network of rich colleagues and friends.

Ah, there's the rub.

I still think, if you are in a position to run or join a company that promotes this culture--wouldn't you?

It's one in a million, billion, people that have "a network of rich colleagues and friends" ready to throw money down on a fringe style of business development. So, it's a nice thought, but wildly unlikely. Hence the entire one comment here that says it all.

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