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This thread is full of people performing a lot of gymnastics to explain how this is a bad thing.

I think it's rather beautiful that the earth is compensating and creating a reversing effect. It's like a scab over a wound to give us time to heal it.

Yup getting tired of people trying hard not to look like the everyone else

I believe "the earth is compensating" to be a much stronger form of mental gymnastics than most other comments here.

For example, the permafrost thawing leads to a lot more greenery, but it would require willful ignorance to see this as a positive thing.

It's pretty much the same as the legion of people who say "the climate has always been changing", without looking at it in context (though a simplified graphic, which Randall probides here https://xkcd.com/1732/ should theoretically be able to show the problem to anyone willing to listen).

Well, let's say they do melt, vegetation takes over and removes more CO2, eventually everything will cool down. Nature balances. The earth will take care of itself. What happens to us during that process is the big worry.

Where do you get the confidence from that it will eventually cool down and self-correct, and everything will be all right? Surely you must be aware somewhere back in your mind, that this is merely wishful thinking?

Even if you ignore the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipping_points_in_the_climat..., you must realise that climate change has already led to the extinction of a huge number of animal species, and that less biodiversity can lead to lasting problems in ecosystems, that take millennial to stabilise to a new equilibrium.

Not to mention the fact that it's kind of insane to kill of an absurd number of species, destroy a shitload of habitats, and then say "don't worry, some day this will be balanced again". Even if it did, that does not make it okay. If you say to someone "don't worry, your nose will heal" that doesn't mean it's acceptable for you to hit that person in the face.

Everything I've read shows that we're so far behind on correction and anything that will change it will completely upend our economy and society and would have to have happened 100 years ago. Basically hopeless. Might as well be the band playing on the sinking ship.

Alternatively and hopefully, we're wrong in our predictions and the earth will do something we don't expect.

Nihilism doesn't help those of us who rather enjoy living and would very much like our future generations to thrive.

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