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> Qt being restricted to just C++ and/or JS dampens its appeal.

Have you searched "Qt bindings" before posting this comment? Qt is in no way restricted to C++ and/or JS.

Python bindings for Qt are very popular and work well. Even with C++, JS and Python you end up covering most developers. But those 3 are far from the only languages you can use with Qt.

A quick look at the Qt bindings page shows bindings for other languages like Rust, Java, C#, Go and many more.

Besides Python, none of them are officially maintained, and thus are next to useless.

You can quickly verify it, there is very few qt programs written in something other than c++/python. As much as I dislike C, C FFI is universal and thus gtk can actually be used from anything .

Many of the listed bindings are in varying states of repair and likely not used much if at all. The listed Go bindings for Qt for example saw their last commit 4 years ago.

By contrast GTK bindings tend to get maintained and used by devs more frequently because they’re easier to generate and make idiomatic. I see GTK projects written in all sorts of languages but rarely see Qt ones that aren’t C++, JS, or Python.

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