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Show HN: Consol3 – A 3D engine for the terminal that executes on the CPU (github.com/victormeriqui)
170 points by victormeriqui 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 37 comments
Hi all

This has been my hobby project for quite a few years now

It started as a small engine to serve as a sandbox to try out new 3d graphics ideas

After adding many features through out the years and re-writing the entire engine a few times, this is the latest state

It currently supports loading models with animations, textures, lights, shadow maps, normal maps, and some other goodies

I've also recently added voxel raymarching as an alternative renderer, along with a fun physics simulation :)

I would strongly encourage you to reduce your use of std::shared_ptr in your code.

There is one instance where I saw you take a shared_ptr and then proceed to move from it. That could literally have been a unique_ptr and if you are making an assumption that that shared_ptr is still valid in another part of the codebase you at best now have UB but it is almost certainly a bug.

Just replace shared_ptr with unique_ptr, the advantage of managed languages is that you are in control of the memory, to then proceed to just use ref counting means you may as well have written the code in Java / C# since you incur all the same overhead of atomic references and don't get the advantages of a sophisticated GC.

unique_ptr can also trivially be upgraded to shared if you actually do need ref counting.

Thanks for the feedback

I do have quite a lot of shared_ptrs throughout the entire code base, that could be reduced

The main reason behind that is I wanted a lot of flexibility between the components and didn't want to end up centralising too much logic in a single one

For example: there is a resource_manager which is a shared pointer created in the game component, it's shared with the scene_renderer (it needs to use it to get the resource data), but I like to keep it also in the game component for loading new resources

of course I could have it owned by just the scene_renderer and access it from there avoiding the reference counting

but this was a design decision that I stand behind as it really helped with clearer separation between components, and the performance, well let's say that the reference counting isn't the bottleneck here as using the console for output is pretty slow

Also the moving of shared pointers is just an optimization to avoid increasing and then immediately decreasing the ref count, no UB there since its passed by value in the argument, so it gets copied before being moved :)

> Also the moving of shared pointers is just an optimization to avoid increasing and then immediately decreasing the ref count, no UB there since its passed by value in the argument, so it gets copied before being moved

I saw that, that function is probably completely inlined by the optimiser as well so likely the move doesn't even happen there.

Just wanted to make sure since I know a lot of devs not super proficient in C++ just sticks a shared pointer on things to get around worries about ownership and don't concider the tradeoffs.

For me I concider using a unique_ptr a form of compile time check for how I'm thinking about the code. I find shared_ptr to be a smell. It's not necessarily wrong but probably needs some reasoning about.

Another note, I saw some comments somewhere about SIMD vectorisation that needs to be implemented. I would check whether the compiler isn't already doing that and if it isn't I would see about changing the code to make if possible for the optimiser to generate vectorised code.

I still haven't been at a PC so haven't been able to properly look through the code but it is nice to at least see modern C++ being used in a codebase

The compiler for sure does some vectorization for me currently, I would expect much worse performance otherwise, it's quite good at that

The SIMD idea there was more in the direction of structuring the data in a more vector friendly way, and then seeing if manually vectorized code would run better - but right now I haven't really invested much time into it :/

There's also multi threading which I wanted to add, by having the rasterizer handle triangles in parallel in different regions of the screen, but this is also just an idea which I haven't explored much yet

I don't necessarily agree. Using shared_ptr to not worry about lifetimes, a la C#, is not inherently a bad thing, not all code has to pretend to be Rust, especially a hobby project. From what I see, they're only really being used as dependency injection. So it has the benefits of the garbage collected model with none of the downsides

Also, speaking as a C++ game developer by profession, taking a shared_ptr copy and moving from it is a common way of saying "I will take a copy of this and keep it alive" whereas a shared_ptr ref only communicates that it can or might

RAII using a unique_ptr in this case would have the benefits of a GC without any of the performance loss of an atomic or a lock depending on implementation.

Regarding "I will take a copy and ... keep it alive..." That is literally what the copy constructor of a sharedpointer does, you wouldn't need a move for that, the move literally just prevents the atomic increment.

I'm not saying there isn't a use case for shared_ptr, just that in this codebase at least in parts of it you could string replace with unique_ptr and get a free performance boost ( as trivial as it would be if the compiler hasn't already just done that ) because the atomic ref count is not needed.

OP did however clarify some design decisions on why the shared_ptr in some parts of the code and that is fine.

I stick by my statement. Stop using std::shared_ptr. Use std::unique_ptr and then convert to shared when it is actually necessary.

My point in C# was a mean spirited dig, but really though, you are giving up a ton of library features from C# by coding in C++ to then just treat it like C#. Write it in C# using the library that has already been optimised...

Agree on the over-use of shared_ptr (there is _a lot_ of copying shared ptrs going on here). But moving from the shared_ptr like this is quite idiomatic no?

  void Consol3Engine::RegisterFrameDrawer(std::shared_ptr<IFrameDrawer> frame_drawer)

Its idiomatic sure but specifically with shared pointer a lot of time people are using shared pointers because they don't want to think about ownership, this turns out not to be the case here but think about it, the function is taking shared_ptr by value which increases the ref count when looked at from the signature.

In the calling code you then dereference that shared_ptr because it should still be valid but it isn't because it is now a moved from value.

I would in this specific case just replace shared_ptr with unique_ptr in the entire call stack up until here. If there isn't an implicit conversation here, put the conversation to shared in this function.

That makes it explicit ownership of the pointer is being moved into this function, it wasn't clear at all that that is happening with the shared_ptr.


You have to think of shared_ptr as global, if you moved from it ownership was changed but there is no way for everyone else holding a reference to thay shared pointer to know that.

This is definitely one of those "but, why?" projects that has me grinning from ear to ear, and makes HN the interesting place it is when it's not being drowned in AI or Fintech

I wonder if it works on a headless server plugged into a display where you only get a TTY. If so it would actually be useful as a kiosk environment on machines without a GPU.

This is really fun, thank you for sharing it!

Recently, I've personally and professionally been going between TUI and deep 3D (mesh shading FTW) so this was fun to see. Your work is inspiring me to think about how to apply those principles to my own work. There have been other ascii renders but I've not seen anything quite like Consol3.

I made a half-baked PR with some initial Mac support [1]. I don't have time this weekend but I'll pull on it later -- or maybe somebody here with more low-level Mac skills than me can take a look?

[1] https://github.com/Victormeriqui/Consol3/pull/37

Thanks! I really appreciate the PR

  [  1%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/Consol3_raster.dir/src/Consol3.cpp.o
  In file included from /home/john/Consol3/src/Consol3.cpp:23:
  /home/john/Consol3/src/Engine/Input/LinuxInputManager.hpp:8:10: fatal error: linux/input.h: No such file or directory
      8 | #include <linux/input.h>
        |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  compilation terminated.
Oh, well ;)

Hi, if you want help getting it running please open an issue on github with some info like your OS

I've compiled it in Windows and Linux and didn't have any issues

I think listing required packages, even just for the most common linux distro would be a good start.

In this case he's probably missing linux-headers for his kernel version?

If people download your project and the build fails, it's very, very, very likely that they'll give up right away. You have to be very, very interested in a project to be bothered to research and install undocumented dependencies and their versions and then fight the build.

This is so unbelievably awesome! Projects like these are why I browse HN

Maybe you are also interested in: https://www.mesa3d.org/

And it has shaders. Can't get any cooler

What am I missing here? Why is it cool to not use the fast GPU and instead do everything slow in a software renderer on the CPU? It surely is interesting to do it for the sake of it, but are there any practical use cases?

There's no real practical use case besides just being a fun hobby project

There are some niche cases where software rendering on the CPU is used nowadays but it's pretty rare

There are a lot of optimizations that could be done to make a CPU renderer faster, but even so I don't think there are many real world use cases

Then I probably should not have commented here, as I am very practical and l'art pour l'art is not my take. But I hope you had fun and continue to have fun ;)

It's much easier to debug. And CPUs are actually fast enough to do real-time rendering of simple scenes. Because writing for the CPU is so different, and so much easier than writing for the GPU, a pure software stack allows you to explore new ideas.

Exploring new ideas without worrying about GPUs was exactly one of my motivations :)

Running it remotely on a cloud instance? Or on any machine without a GPU.

Well yeah, I remember those software renderer options from old computer games.

I might not have known the difference between GPU and CPU back then, but I learned very quickly that Software renderer means slow and makes your Computer very hot. Not cool (literally) I thought back then.

Really nice, thanks for sharing! I like the pseudo-shader implementation. What kind of framerate were you seeing and how many triangles could you push?


Depends on the scene and the CPU of course, typically I get between 20-60 FPS on a small scene with a floor and a few models, but features like shadow maps or normal maps bring the performance down a lot though

The scenes themselves don't have a lot of triangles, for the first scene with marvin and the car in the rasterization video there's 7427 triangles

There is no parallelization whatsoever in the engine at the moment, so I feel like it could get much faster if I multi thread it, or use SIMD vectors

Another aspect that influences the performance a lot is the output mode being used, for example the TextOnly mode is a lot faster than others since it uses no colors at all, the full RGB color mode has to have an escape sequence prepended to each character "pixel" so its quite slow

It also depends on the frame disposition itself, the Windows console does some attribute caching when its rendering continuous character rows, so if a frame has a lot of different colors horizontally, it will be slightly slower than if it didn't

Textual is not 3d too, but is also great for TUIs.

Textualize/Frogmouth has a TUI tree control: https://github.com/Textualize/frogmouth

FWICS browsh supports WebGL over SSH/MoSH https://www.brow.sh/docs/introduction/ :

> The terminal client updates and renders in realtime so that, for instance, you can watch videos. It uses the UTF-8 half-block trick () to get 2 colours from every character cell, thus simulating basic graphics.

https://github.com/fathyb/carbonyl :

> Carbonyl originally started as html2svg and is now the runtime behind it.

Always wondered how brew.sh added the brew sprite there; that's real nice.

TIL that e.g. Kitty term can basically framebuffer modified Chrome?

https://github.com/chase/awrit :

> Yep, actual Chromium being rendered in your favorite terminal that supports the Kitty terminal graphics protocol.

FWIW Cloudflare has clientless Remote Browser Isolation that also splits the browser at the rendering engine.

A TUI Manim renderer would be neat. Re: Teaching math with Manim and interactive 3d: https://github.com/bernhard-42/jupyter-cadquery/issues/99

What would you add to make it easier to teach with this entirely CPU + software rendering codebase?

What prompts for learning would you suggest?

- Pixar in a Box, Wikipedia history of CG industry,: https://westurner.github.io/hnlog/#comment-36265807

- "Rotate a wireframe cube or the camera perspective with just 2d pixels to paint to; And then rotate the cube about a point other than the origin, and then move the camera while the cube is rotating"

- OTOH, ManimML, Yellowbrick, and the ThreeJS Wave/Particle simulator might be neat with a slow terminal framebuffer too

Impressive. Not sure on what it could be used for but it does look very cool. Good job!

What's the advantage of re-implementing the GPU programming model (shaders) instead of just writing regular C++ code? I would think that would just introduce overhead for no reason.

Shaders were originally a production rendering concept introduced by Pixar's RenderMan in the 80s. It only became a thing in GPUs much later. Programmable shading is really more of a design pattern in graphics renderers.

There's no performance reason really, the motivation behind it was flexibility for trying out new ideas and to decouple logic from the rasterizer

Thanks for posting this. This is probably the coolest project I’ve seen all year.

This is neat. Not new, but definitely neat.

Well done! We need more textmode out there!

"I don't even see the code anymore. All I see is: noob... aimbot... afk..."

Wow. I love the concept so much

Rummy wealth

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