And look how you immediately pivoted from the compatibility with Windows to the compatibility with running Windows.
> The only things I have checked
That's great but nobody needs to check if it's compatible with Windows. The whole step - it's just not needed.
So if the "everything just works in Linux!" people say "oh you should had just checked" then the former was clearly not in a good faith or outright delusional.
> A lot of software I use either does not run on Windows, or is harder to install or is less mature on Windows. Obviously lots of server side stuff, but even some desktop stuff I would be doubtful about because the bulk of users are on Linux.
And most of the people houses and people themselves can't run the welding equipment, so what? How from discussing compatibility of widgets and gadgets of a regular Joe you moved on to a highly specialized and a very narrow scope of the server software?
> The only things I have checked
That's great but nobody needs to check if it's compatible with Windows. The whole step - it's just not needed.
So if the "everything just works in Linux!" people say "oh you should had just checked" then the former was clearly not in a good faith or outright delusional.
> A lot of software I use either does not run on Windows, or is harder to install or is less mature on Windows. Obviously lots of server side stuff, but even some desktop stuff I would be doubtful about because the bulk of users are on Linux.
And most of the people houses and people themselves can't run the welding equipment, so what? How from discussing compatibility of widgets and gadgets of a regular Joe you moved on to a highly specialized and a very narrow scope of the server software?