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Elon Musk Targets Google Search (forbes.com/sites/roberthart)
4 points by neverrroot 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Nations are bad at it, but they are still the most capable platforms for addressing this racial bias.

It’s the right tree to be barking under.

If we lived in an ideal world the national AIs would become personal AI agents in a decade or two, but that is clearly not our world.

> “insane racist, anti-civilizational programming,” Musk claimed, repeating a trope that “woke” diversity initiatives are somehow destroying Western culture and civilization.

This is coming from a guy who has no issues with nazi paraphernalia in his own platform.

He is clearly unhealthily obsessed with race as much or more than the people he's complaining about. Somehow a guy very involved in many interesting fields is spending all day every day complaining about DEI, immigration, and this week he keeps highlighting instances of black people committing crimes

Well, he still does a lot of other things. DEI is indeed something he is obsessed about, and I guess there are good reasons he sees. I definitely see them too.

What is it about DEI that causes you to be obsessed about it? From my perspective DEI is mostly about not glossing over the negative aspects of the history of race relations. It's not something I'm particularly invested in emotionally speaking. I'm guessing the term means something different to you than to me that causes you to be obsessed about it.

There is always a danger of getting into a needless back and forth with such a question so I promise not to respond. Just want to know your concerns on the topic.

I’m not obsessed, far from it, but I’m seriously concerned about the merit/performance/excellence aspects.

I can understand, that someone like him could easily obsess over these things, and he’s not alone from what I see.

> I’m not obsessed, far from it, but I’m seriously concerned about the merit/performance/excellence aspects.

I know I'm breaking the HN etiquette by pointing this out, but your post history suggests that you are indeed quite inflamed about race nothingburgers.

I strongly believe in equal opportunity and rewarding hard work, respecting merit and performance/excellence. I come from nothing from a communist country and worked my way through, got kids and responsibilities.

Anyhow, if you check my history, see for how long I’ve been around and how little I’ve posted related to this overall.

Correction and redress are part of creating equal opportunity.

Something as simple as being repeatedly pulled over for being the wrong color in a nice neighborhood puts a big thumb on the scales. Being concerned means being concerned with the entire problem.

Pretty strong opinions, but they are yours

> I guess there are good reasons he sees. I definitely see them too.

I'm interested in knowing what those reasons are.

For reference, Google is pretty much 50% white European and 50% Asian. In leadership roles, the split is 70-30.

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