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> I've noticed the main subs moving further left, hatefully and almost violently so.

I’ve not seen this. What do you mean?

here's a few examples







Not even allowing discussions of crime and city-wide threats is completely asinine and the mods reasoning is that everybody who visits r/toronto is racist and can't be trusted to discuss these issues in good faith. Yet .. it has NEVER been tried and this "experiment" has been going on 2 years now. What I think is really going on is that the Toronto mods are lazy and using that to implicitly pushing an agenda based on what they allow to be posted.

So, I'm only replying to give some color into that thought, not to start a flame war or debate, because it is a legitimate concern I have with using the site as data.

I'm not necessarily complaining that it's left leaning, it always has been in US parlance at least. My worry is that the tone as changed from disagreement to some form of disgust and hate, and yes even at times calls for murders. Maybe that's just the landscape now, broadly?

Just look at some of the 'mainstream' comments linked below. This is probably a 'both sides' thing, but I don't see the other side represented here and I would have equal concerns if it were in similar manner.

That said, I don't have a Reddit account, so just opened the site to see what it showed me. I'm not sure of its algo, as a lot of it is video games, but here are a few that showed up in the top 15 or so -




head over to /news, and you see -



/politics, you get



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