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> Arguably Reddit's value is it's data

Reddit has a chicken and egg problem - nobody knows what the value of it's data even is. They've never sold it before. You can sell pet rocks for 1 billion dollars, but nobody will value them if there's been 0 sales. (ask vs bid vs last sale price).

I'm guessing reddit is rushing to sell their data so they can show that their data is worth anything at all.

> They've never sold it before.

Do we know this?

I'm pretty confident they haven't until at least 6 months ago when they freaked out about api usage.

It's possible they've sold it and we haven't heard about it since then. I would think they'd want to brag about it publicly though.

I figure in this case, Google was the one that wanted to be public about it (to appear as relevant when AI is the hot thing). I could totally see other orgs happy to keep their data-source private.

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