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HF0 AI Residency Program Spring 2024 (twitter.com/davefontenot)
3 points by transitivebs 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

(unsolicited post from an HF0 alum)

What initially drew me to HF0 was when a friend described it as a hacker monastery, and I'm surprised it hasn't been covered more on – of all places – hacker news.

First off, what is it? HF0 is a 3-month startup accelerator and residency program, where you live in a mansion at the heart of SF and focus solely on building your startup – surrounded by other world-class developers. They invest $500k in your company and fast track you to raising a world-class seed round. Very similar to YC but a lot smaller batches and gives a lot more family vibes since you're living w/ people during the batch. No shade on YC obviously cause they're legendary, just good to have more options for aspiring technical founders.

I went through HF0 last year, and although it wasn't all rainbows & kittens (trying to get a startup off the ground never is haha!), it was honestly the single most remarkable hacking experience / culture / community I've had the pleasure of joining in my 20+ years as a dev.

I think they're currently focused on AI startups w/ repeat founders or early stage companies w/ significant signs of traction, but honestly if you're a prolific hacker, you should consider applying. They kind of purposefully fly under the radar (their website https://www.hf0.com), but you can read a bit more about the program here: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/31/magazine/ai-start-up-acce...

Happy to answer any questions you may have about HF0 – Dave, Emily, and Evan are building something truly amazing for hackers & aspiring founders, and I couldn't be happier to have been a part of it.

the same Q as for Dave below :) - do you know if they accept only technical people / engineers? i'm a 2x founder, one exit. but i'm a biz person.


Dave here if anyone has any questions.

Hey Dave! When are decisions expected to go out?

this sounds incredible!

@Dave - is only for technical people / engineers? i'm a 2x founder, one exit. but i'm a biz person.


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