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Coding Horror: My Scaling Hero (codinghorror.com)
28 points by twampss on Dec 11, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Markus said as early as 2006 that he was spending "hundreds of thousands" to build out his servers/storage.

He's been scaling up instead of out. Which is cheaper up to a certain point and then it becomes a lot more expensive.

The image of some guy running this site off a couple of servers tucked under his desk is pretty far from reality with PlentyOfFish. He's probably spent $1 million+ dollars on his "few" servers by now. Still impressive to be sure, but nothing like the way it's portrayed.

Markus Frind is not just a scaling hero, but a hero of the 2nd highest order (beneath Jesus, Scoble and Calacanis). He's not just the king of scaling, but a king of business. Who wouldn't want to earn millions of dollars while not having to deal with "employees" or "investors"?

I say, listen to this man! The inequities ladled out by the contemptuous few against the lone entrepreneur are deftly countered by the resplendence of Frind's encompassments.

Reason given for mostly static or unimportant to be slightly out-of-date content. Plus incremental content. No cookie.

Just wondering.. did you use a Markov chain to write your comment? It doesn't parse.

Not surprisingly. Generating parseable strings, e.g. balanced sequences of parentheses, requires more than a Markov chain.

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