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I cancelled my Kagi subscription because it's a little too expensive for me in the unlimited search tier. And I search too much for the limited search tier.

I can't help but wonder if my money was being spent on pet projects like this instead of improving/maintaining the search.

All companies allocate some fraction of their resources towards innovation outside of what is currently their core feature-set.

On top of that, the top comment from the Kagi CEO says this was developed by a single developer in a couple of weeks... Yes they will have to finish building up infrastructure behind it, but as a paying Kagi user I'm more than happy to support any side ventures that ultimately end up making search better in the long run.

Yeah like it's fine. I just felt the value wasn't quite there for me personally and I found a few too many projects coming out that didn't benefit me. So I cancelled. No harm done in the end, just a little sad nothing is filling my personal niche of the market.

They don't spend your money, fella.

They spend their money, some of which you paid them in exchange for services. Which you've stopped doing.

Of course I understand that it's not my money. Weirdly hostile comment.

I'm just expressing that the value wasn't quite there for myself. And these projects kept coming out so I wondered if they were the reason for the higher prices.

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