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> It's adorable to watch you soften your tone as we get deeper into this. You've gone from "where do I sign up to tell you to go fuck yourself" to "I'm having fun and I like to watch the people get all riled up"

I don't think my tone is any softer, could it be you reading me with a different energy? I've been very calm throughout. It was a rhetorical question as a response to this:

>> I've had the distinct honor to witness many a person sitting across from me have the unfortunate distinction of being known by me in circumstances that were less than fortunate for them. And at the end of the day that can really affect how someone "gets paid."

And seeing you doxx and threaten people with "consequences". I see you've edited your other comment to address others who may be reading, and I'm the one getting cold feet? Why do you think people care? Who are you even? Are you important in Silicon Valley? This was also rhetorical, don't answer that I don't care.

Imagine measuring dicks over the age of our accounts. Does it give you the same warm fuzzy feelings as "owning" your iphone?

I own an iPhone and an Android phone. I think there is an old windows phone in the back desk somewhere as well. But what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

MY point is, and I think I've been crystal clear, is that this is a small world and professionalism is key to human and business interaction. I know this, and you definitely know this, otherwise you wouldn't behave like you have in public.

Am I important? Absolutely not. Do I think people care? Yes, believe it or not, important people in our industry participate here in these discussions. I've done significant business with private equity, investors and others via contacts and discussions here. This isn't reddit or discord, fox news article discussions, or facebook. You know how I know you don't know this? Because your account is 2 years old and your demonstrated behavior around here over those 2 years tells us this. Sorry. A spade is a spade. Look up the history of HN.

My point all along has been that I can assure you, if we were doing business together or I was considering you for a technical contract, role, job, partnership, anything, you'd be in a world of hurt. Your obtuse and abrasive approach might cost you an investment. Maybe a contract. Maybe a billion dollars. Who knows?

You may not like to hear this, but here's the thing. I've managed hundreds of people just like you, who think they are the "big boy" because they did x, y, and z technically or they marched down to HR to show the people in charge what's up, or their MO is to stir the pot, be obtuse and cause trouble and be disrespectful all the while skirting the line. That is your schtick, and it's probably why you're working as a freelancer. Good for you if you're doing well, but we'll have to take your word for it. Like I said, me: I'm really not important, but you can very easily look at who I am, my CV, what I've done in life, my family, technically, managerly, whatever and you'll find that when we're dropping our zippers, I'm going to have a more warm and fuzzy feeling than you are right now. And that's just the way it is, because you've got nothing else to stand on except your obtuseness and anonymity.

For someone who values professionalism you're strangely entitled. Do you think people would enjoy working with someone who threatens consequences as soon you're called out for being an ass?

Are you being professional when you try to bait me into doxxing myself for what, getting revenge over a comment on the web? "I dare you! I triple dare you! Coward! Let's continue outside HN".

Then you belittle me calling me a "cute little freelancer" (I'm not) and so on. Maybe you wouldn't want to work with me, but don't flatter yourself, I doubt I'd ever need your entitled elitist attitude close to me. I didn't even reply to your first comment that got down-voted because it didn't warrant an answer. But when you started bitching to people calling you out I got interested, and here we are.

Spare me your psychoanalysis Freud. Instead of doubling down just leave, or delete your comments if you care so much what people think. You're not winning any points, there are no prizes or diplomas.

For someone who values professionalism I'm uniquely qualified to tell you to sit your ass down and shut it. Let's back up here: the whole crux of you deciding to pick a fight with me was over me commenting about some people thinking their edge cases with Apple deserves special treatment. Guess what, no they don't, they're not special. The customer isn't always right. Neither is Apple in many cases, but they are the largest company in the world, so I think they've figured out customer service, UX, all those things, and if you go to the original post in this message, it was about some dude's edge case on canceling a subscription. Boo fuckin hoo.

Let me recap for you: you directly picked a fight with me after I defended myself from being directly called an "ass," a "terrible colleague," "a dick-face" and "I want the opportunity to tell you to go fuck yourself to your face" My defense solely focuses on professionalism, and you decide to wallow in the mud with the rest in some anonymous sanctimonious self-sucking bullshit circle. So don't engage in whataboutisms at this point with me. Only an obtuse anonymous troll can race to the bottom with a named person at THIS point... So yup, slap that tag on your forehead bud and own it.

The difference between me and you is that in the professional world, I have a track record of having hundreds of people who enjoy working with me, millions of customers who enjoy my products, and many many partners who have become millionaires. You've marched down to HR and won a fight. Congratulations.

I'll be here all night, and I ain't deleting shit. My comments stand, with my name attached right here on each of them. blantonl: Lindsay Blanton. You can't do that: you're too scared, too cowardly, and too afraid of what might come your way by writing checks with your name on them your ass can't cash. So, I guess in a sense, I am "strangely entitled" because I have the track record that you don't, and that allows me enough capital to let my comments stand. I can write those checks all day with my name on them. You? you're going to have to earn some capital. You might try by attaching your name to some worthwhile works for a start.

You'll also find that anyone that works with me knows I don't suffer fools. I will bend over backwards, but I won't bend over forwards. I can assure you that you are uniquely lucky in that you are anonymous, because I've figuratively punched more than one person in the mouth because they decided to get sanctimonious and preachy on how I should be expressing an opinion in a professional setting. I didn't start the attacks, others did, and you felt it was your duty to preach to me how I should conduct myself in response. Mike Tyson said it best, "everyone has a plan until they've been punched in the mouth."

The saddest part about this is how little you understand about the situation. So brainwashed that wanting to cancel a subscription is an edge case. Is that why Apple fanboys keep throwing money at them? Canceling is not an option.

I didn't read most of your post but I get the gist, you're really cool and I wish I could lick the ground you walk on.

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