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If this bad law were to cross the Atlantic I would still buy my parents their phones and deal with the situation.

I’m glad I don’t have to while it remains outside the US. And I’m glad I don’t have to deal with it on my own phone, even if I’m better equipped to deal with it. And I’m glad people are still free to change to different browser engines inside the US without the law.

I'm really sorry that your emotional wellbeing is predicated on the exploitative practice of a multinational company. You should have seen this coming. Bell Telephone didn't get away from litigation for "securing" telecommunications infrastructure under one body. Microsoft didn't foil antitrust litigation for "protecting" users from third-party browsers.

Expecting Apple to escape broader antitrust scrutiny is a pipe dream. You should probably plan accordingly.

What did I say that had anything to do with emotional wellbeing?

What did I say that made you think I was unprepared for Apple to have to do this in the US?

> What did I say that had anything to do with emotional wellbeing?

  I’m glad I don’t have to deal with it on my own phone
> What did I say that made you think I was unprepared for Apple to have to do this in the US?

  Thankfully it is only a bad law in the European Union

Oh, your assumptions were wrong

Oh, well then good! Too many people on this site get far too upset over changes like this. Methinks a lot of them own too much stock and are a bit grumpy about the consequences.

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