We have insanely high quality printers, yet we do not have much counterfeiting.
Just because we can do something easily and illicitly, doesn't mean that people will do things illicitly if the proper instinctive structure is implemented.
What proper incentive structure do you suggest? There are plenty of protections for printers and even then we do have (printer based and otherwise) counterfeiting.
We are talking about a software based solution that can emulate any public figure (locally) that the average person will not be able to recognize. This is a categorical risk to the information age
we can't legislate it away, but we can throw the book at people who do. i don't understand why the knee jerk cynical response is "why bother," as if that will make the problem better.
Governments are very trigger happy on regulation, like I said this is an impossible problem to solve without public/private key verif (or alternative).
Embedding a key might help technologically distinguish a small subset of the videos we're worried about but 1) ok so then what, you still need the regulations that make impersonation not allowed which is what these are 2) what about unofficial sources, hot mikes and leaked tapes etc.
Basically, you're suggesting a technological approach that's fine for a narrow set of concerns, but you still have to regulate and disallow behaviors that can be prosecuted. The actual problem here is not a solved problem, but yes in one very narrow subset of problems, a more complicated solution than hosting official videos on official sources would be to require official sources to also sign the video.