> I don't know why this needs to exist given all those... I guess it was just a fun project?
The answer is already in your reply. This is a pure approach that has 3 dependencies: xlib, xft, and farbfield, while the other solutions proposed (except perhaps some cli options at the bottom) have much larger and complex dependencies like Electron, Node, React, etc.
The point of this isn't to have features but be the absolute bare minimum (to the point of being almost unusable albeit). Personally, I see suckless apps as more of an experiment to see just how bare you can go while keeping foundational functionality. They definitely aren't made to be a featureful app though, only the bare minmimum.
There's a list of them here: https://gist.github.com/johnloy/27dd124ad40e210e91c70dd1c24a...
I don't know why this needs to exist given all those... I guess it was just a fun project?