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It seems prudent to limit rust usage in the kernel until that list can be burned down to zero. It makes sense that you need to at least get rust in the kernel to find out what missing features you need to have implemented and stabilized, but excessive use will make folks lives painful as they try to track upstream rust releases.

Please bear in mind that Linux has used non-standard GCC extensions to C for decades as well. The tradeoffs here are their call to make.

Besides, at this stage, it makes perfect sense for Linux to use unstable Rust features. It was one thing to say Rust should be great for writing kernels, it's another to actually get feedback on how it needs to be better, and that's only possible if the potential improvements are motivated by those who need them and incubated without the constraints of backwards compatibility nor the risks of locking in permanent tech debt.

Rust's unstable feature concept was designed for exactly this kind of freeform evolution and it's working exactly as intended. As for the specific tradeoffs being made in Linux, its contributors are in a much better position to weigh those than we are.

What you propose is exactly what's been done by the kernel. They are integrating the language in a non-mandatory way, to both exercise the kernel side and the language itself. The unstable features haven't been stabilized because either they have open questions on their implementation (and having a customer using them helps define them) or no-one has cared enough to complete them (and having a customer using them gives them the extra push). Either way what's happening now is exactly the process you are proposing.

The article is about updating the Rust version the kernel targets where a feature they use (offset_of) was stabilized.

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