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I support whatever my client needs. They pay, I code. End of story.

I believe HN had a story linked a few months ago where supporting IE was specified as a separate line item in the budget, forcing their clients to really contemplate the costs (in both time & money) supporting such a broken browser family. If that's what you mean, then kudos, as I think it's a great learning moment for clients.

Yes, I do mean that. I will support modern browsers, but legacy stuff is additional (though not that much really).

I consider anything older than IE8 to be legacy.

On the other hand, if I put out a product that is aimed at the enterprise market then I will support older stuff. Enterprise moves at a different pace.

Story time: I once found myself working in the banking industry only to discover they used .NET 2.0. This on 2011. They also had a bunch of Win2000 machines. My job was to make a system that ran on all.

Pulled it off, but it opened my eyes to how big business works.

Absolutely. We do dev work on the side, and in those cases take our orders on browser support.

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